Monday, February 20, 2012

Q: Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

A: To have its neck snapped, feathers plucked, skin removed, and then been breaded and pan fried for my dinner.

(Notice the child's hand point to the chicken.)

Yes, I purchased and prepared a chicken breast for consumption. I bought it at Whole Foods, I feel better about that knowing that the chicken ate normal chicken food, walked around in its proper setting, and lived a happy chicken life before having its neck broken.

I was a bit queasy about the whole process, but went about it anyway. It smelled really good while it was cooking, and I enjoyed hearing the crackle of the chicken frying away. I just used some whole wheat bread crumbs, wheat germ, and parmesan for the breading. I pan-fried in canola oil.

I ate it with a side of whole wheat pasta (the family's main course) and some broccoli rabe. It was delicious.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A food-related post!

It's been months! MONTHS! Since I did one of these.
The only good thing about being laid off from work is that I have time to make some pinterest recipes!

This is one I pinned a few months back and finally decided to make it.
Zucchini Fries.

The reason behind this? Awhile ago, my daughter, my sister, and myself had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. We ordered zucchini fries. My daughter devoured them! I deviously thought, "Huh. Interesting..."

I should have realized that she would not eat the ones that I prepared because:
1. They were not deep-fried and
2. I made them.

Eh. And that's probably my fault. I skipped the parmesan cheese, accidentally. I also should have added some garlic powder, but am currently out of it. The texture was good, and the "fries" weren't mushy like I feared they would be. My husband even ate like 5 of them! Of course, I think that is due to the dipping sauce, which he loved. To me, the sauce was OK. I would have preferred dipping them in a creamy sriracha sauce, which I should have made, but didn't.

Anyhow, these won't be a weekly menu item, perhaps monthly.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Truth

Turns out that I may or may not have fatty liver disease. I kinda hope I do, because the alternative is leukemia or another type of cancer.

For a long while (don't even know how long) I've had pain in my upper left abdomen. The pain actually began when I was about half way through my pregnancy. I mentioned it to the midwife. She seemed unconcerned. I did too. Of course, that didn't stop my googling, topics like "spleen" "pancreas" were are both articles in that region of the abdomen. I just figured the little bugger was pushing on something. (Even in utero, the kid can push my buttons.) After I had her, the pain pretty much stopped, or I should say, came very, very infrequently. Not enough to either give it a second thought.

More recently, the pain has gotten a lot more frequent, mainly after large and/or fatty meals. So, at my 6 month check up (gotta go every 6 months to keep an eye on cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which, by the way, the went down a bit!), I mention to her about the dull pain. She says, "Eh, probably gallstones (in my head I know this isn't the case b/c it's not where the gallbladder is), and she gives me a script for an abdominal ultrasound.

The results are in, but I haven't had my follow-up appointment yet. I have an enlarged spleen and liver. This is very disheartening. The condition is called NASH (Nonalcoholic Steato Hepatitis). From my reading, and yes, there has been lots and lots of reading, it can be reversed (if not too far along), with diet and exercise. Yay! If not reversed, it can lead to cirrhosis, and eventually cancer, and/or liver failure.

This condition can be caused by high triglycerides which, in my case, are genetic (thanks, fucked up paternal genes!), the result of obesity (thanks, idiot who likes to eat; oh wait...), alcohol, diabetes (perhaps should get glucose checked), Syndrome X (a.k.a. Insulin Resistance, a.k.a. Metabolic Syndrome). The latter makes losing weight very difficult.

So, I am self-diagnosing until I get the follow-up appointment. Since I have diagnosed myself, I have also laid out a plan to get this shit under control. No fucking way am I going to get cirrhosis. Fuck that shit. I mean, it's like (and pardon the lack of political correctness) getting lung cancer without being a smoker. Not that alcoholics deserve cirrhosis, or smokers deserve lung cancer, but there is a REASON. Yeah, I know my reason. I'm fat. And per a post last month, I'm OK with the fat part, but I'm not OK with the unhealthy part! No fucking way.

It is time to come to grips with reality. If I want to live long (I do) and be healthy (I do). I must make a change (I will.)

Today, February 14, 2012 is the day I am posting on the web all my numbers. I am going to use this blog to track my progress. It's not going to turn into a weight loss blog, cause (and no offense to anyone) they bore me. And I won't take offense if my blog bores you. It bores me too, it's just my little corner of the world where I can feel like, "Hey, some one may read my dazzling writing and be inspired to do something cool." Whatever. I don't know.

My Stats (with a minor disclaimer: I weighed myself in clothes, around noon, after drinking a glass of water, so ya know, it's probably 1/2 lb. difference.)

Here goes...

Weight: 249 lbs.
Waist: 42"
Hips: 54"
Thigh: 30"
Upper Arm: 15"
Chest (including boobs): 45 1/2"

Lipid Panel (as of 11/25/11)
Total Cholesterol: 233
HDL: 41
Triglycerides: 267
LDL: 139

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Words of Wisdom for Today.

Sometimes it's OK to sit on your basement steps and ugly cry until snot dangles and drips off your nose and your eyes are almost swollen shut.

Sometimes it's not OK.

Knowing the difference is the challenge.