Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm really making an effort to lose weight. Seriously. It's difficult to not get discouraged, especially since I strictly followed Weight Watchers for a week and lost NOTHING. Because of that, I said "eff it" and at kind of crappily yesterday. Now to pick up and start over. One day of mourning allowed.

So, since I need to go grocery shopping and there's nothing really low-points to eat in the house (or any points, for that matter!) I found a recipe that would work.

I found this recipe last week. I made it this morning and at it for lunch. Me & Abby took a walk to get some good Italian bread to complete the meal.

Since I didn't have fresh rosemary, I just used dried. I also skipped the fresh herb mix-in and sour cream at the end. It didn't really matter because the soup is so good! My daughter ate a lot of it! This is good news. She asked for more for dinner!

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