During a thrifting trip with Heather, she came upon this very cute (and easy) pattern. Perfect size for my child. It's Simplicity 9652, a discontinued pattern.
The pattern didn't sit very long because one night I had an itch to sew, but no idea what to make. As per usual, I scanned my patterns and my fabric, but didn't have anything that would work together, until I looked on my desk...the "new" $.25 patterns weren't filed yet. Simple top, a little fabric, no problem!
I bought the fabric awhile ago (at the thrift store for $.50). So, in total, this cute top was only $.75! Not too bad, huh?! I plan on making more of these tops.
(Pardon the tired, glazed-over look of the child.)

A few changes: I added some darts because I didn't add the elastic in the front of the top. The buttonholes were the biggest challenge. They are totally uneven, but they are there, and they function. Oh, and the buttons are removed from a shirt my husband was donating, but claimed by me prior to donation.
Coming over from the flickr simplicity patterns group.
Super-cute shirt!
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