Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen! Children of All Ages!

The greatest show on earth brought to you by Simplicity pattern 3971.

Flair for drama? Possibly. Circus pants? Definitely.

Here is the first example of projects that have gone haywire. I didn't realize the fabric was not wide enough for this pattern. My intention was to make a complete set of pjs; however, since I suck at reading directions, the fabric was only wide enough for pants. Fine.

Worked on the pants last night in sewing class and finished them up a little bit ago.
Some observations:
  • Firstly, I do like this fabric despite multiple comments about how I won't be able to sleep due to the brightest of the pattern.
  • Secondly, I was excited to have a new pair of lounge pants because my current yoga pants selections include miscellaneous holes and pulls.
  • Thirdly, they are huge! HUGE. GINORMOUS! I mean really, the crotch is basically to my knees. Oh well.
  • Fourthly, the seams are lovely. I love the serger in sewing class. Love it. I want one. Look at how perfect the seams are!

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