Friday, January 22, 2010


So yeah, haven't blogged in about a month. I think about it everyday though, I really do. Unfortunately, as I predicted, my "free time" is consumed with school work. BUT, I'm not gonna complain. I am actually (and surprisingly) really enjoying it.

Yeah, it's a lot of work, but I'm hoping it will pay off. I am very tired of not bringing in a worthy income.

I am feeling the need to create something though. The urge is very strong, but alas, I do not have one particular project in mind, so it kind of get pushed to the wayside. I want to do a cross-stitch project, I want to make a quilt for myself, I want to finish a messenger bag that I cut out the pieces for, I want to knit a little sweater set for a friend's in utero daughter, I want to USE MY SERGER!!! I want to make a journal out of an old book.

Ah well. Happily, craft projects will be there when school is over (whatever YEAR that is.) And, because I'm going straight through, all year, no breaks, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but in a good way.

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